You should be here travel company
You should be here travel company

Review the company’s social media accounts. If the company has a blog, take time to read a few articles and note the brand voice, topics covered and common themes. Get to know the products or services, the customers and any notable accomplishments or awards the company has received. Start by examining the company website-especially the “About Us” section and “Careers” pages which usually share information about the company culture. An interested and excited candidate is not only familiar with the company, but they’ve explored the company’s background, history and mission statement as well. One of the reasons recruiters and hiring managers ask this question is to determine how much you’ve researched the company.


Related: Job Interview Tips: How to Make a Great Impression How to answer “Why do you want to work here?”Ĭonsider the following steps to prepare your answer for the common interview question, “Why do you want to work here?” 1. The best way to make sure your answer leaves a positive impression is to do plenty of research and prepare your talking points ahead of time. The best answers to this question will reference the organization’s culture, mission and vision, while also sharing how these things align with your personal skills and career goals. Regardless of how the interviewer phrases this question, it’s crucial you’re prepared to discuss why the company and role appeal to you with genuine interest and excitement. “What made you want to apply for a job with this company?” This question can be phrased a few ways, including: At some point in the interview process, potential employers may ask you why you are interested in working for them.

You should be here travel company